P3D20 (LDW +0.2)
Steady for 3 days! W00t!

Got home from work and quickly pan-cooked a piece of salmon, and threw a salad together. Finished packing and headed to Ft Worth for Mommy Day, and to pick up my BF from the airport on Monday.
P3D21 (LDW +1)
Agh! Wasn't excited to see a 0.8 gain, but it could have been one of two things: 1) every time I eat broccoli I gain. I have NO IDEA. Don't ask. Haha. 2) I did succumb to the pressure of dairy while I was at work and I added about a tablespoon of cream to my Americano. Perhaps I overdid the dairy - I've been soooo sensitive to that!
Anyway - breakfast today was cooked back at home, so I had to run to the store to get eggs and some supplies. For some reason every time I come home my sister is TOTALLY out of groceries! I think I'll accidently forget all the food I bought/brought this time... hehehe. While I was at the store I walked past the coffee and it smelled soooo good... so I picked up 2 sample-size packs of flavored coffee: Caramel Truffle and Chocolate Toffee. They were both SOOOO good! Hahaha. The chocolate one was even better with the Rum flavoring that I got for making CD put into it. Yummers!

So dinner last night was LATE since we were at the movies with Mommy for Mommy Day. We went and saw Fast Five (nothing like a movie full of hot guys for Mom Day! LOL), and by the time the movie was over it was 7! Yikes! I hadn't even thought about that, so I was totally unprepared. Crap. On the way home we were able to stop by Central Market and I got some Jay Robb, some turkey breast lunchmeat (the "herbs de province" turkey breast from HEB has no added sugars or nitrates!), and some spinach... like a LOT of spinach. Hahaha. Got home and whipped up a chocolate Jay Robb shake, and at spinach/turkey roll ups with some of the dijon mustard I found in mom's fridge (which may conveniently accidentally find its way into my backpack on the way back to Austin. Just sayin'... >.>) The only bad part was by the time I was done eating, it was almost 8pm! Wow - I haven't eaten dinner that late since... last summer? I was praying praying praying that the scale didn't go up on my first day of P4. Which it didn't, thankfully! Amazing how this stabilization thing works... it's mind blowing!
We all stayed up until midnight watching clips of In Living Color, Eddie Izzard, and Gabriel Iglesias on youtube and laughing. We also went back through wall posts on my sister's facebook wall (and mine) and we were CRACKING. UP. My sister is such a joy in my life! She always makes me laugh. Finally hit the hay around 12 or 12:15, and I'm feeling it this morning! I'll blog about today later on in it's own blog, but man, I am so not used to being up that late anymore. Crazy!
So here's goodbye... Goodbye Phase 2, farewell Phase 3. You were both kind to me and taught me many things about life, and though I gave you both second and third chances, I'm not coming back again. I've learned enough and grown stronger, and it's time for me to move on. Phase 4 is waiting for me, and P4 has promised me to never abandon me as long as I stay faithful. So, P2 & P3, thank you for all you have done for me, and I wish you both happy times without me. Adieu.
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