So I stepped on the scale and almost cried. You know what this means? I'm stabilizing! I can control this! My weight doesn't have to control ME. All it takes is clean eating (and doing it RIGHT. Not cheating like I used to do!) and my body wants to go back to it's set point. Hallelujah! HCG makes me so happy sometimes. Well, like, all the time. Haha.
So for dinner last night I ended up eating 3 whole pickles, 2-5oz cans of tuna over a HUGE bowl of dark leafy lettuce, and some braggs/hot sauce for dressing. It was so good! Then my mom and I ran some errands even though it was 8:30 in the evening by the time we got off the couch from watching Sinbad and laughing our bootays off, and I got some new hot sauce and some canned mung bean sprouts while we were out. Oh and some sliced garlic pickles. I'll admit it - I have a pickle addiction. There are worse things to be addicted to, right? When we got home I was pretty hungry (a good sign, I think, during P3 lol) so I opened a can of the bean sprouts (did you know a whole can of mung bean sprouts only has 20 calories? the ENTIRE CAN!) and ate probably 1/4 cup with some Bragg's as my late night snack. I'm slowly getting back out of the habit of eating late, but I figured if I was going to eat something late it might as well be pretty much empty in calories. LOL. It worked fine since I released 1.6 lbs! Hahaha I'm going to keep saying that, too. 1.6lbs! *said like Doc Emerson 1.21 gigawatts!*
Breakfast today was my standard - slightly different because I made my sausage homemade this morning instead of using the chorizo from Sprouts. I did my sausage recipe a LOT different, too, because I was starving and didn't want to take the time to do chop peppers and all that. And no, I didn't take a picture, but it looked EXACTLY like breakfast from last weekend LOL... like this:
Same tablecloth, same computer cord, same fishtank base (yes that's what that is), same plate. 3 fried eggs, cauliflower potatoes, half a grapefruit, and 2 sausage patties. Except today my grapefruit half wasn't split up. Oh and I have a Dave & Buster's mug instead of a Colorado horse mug... and it's Vanilla Creme coffee instead of plain! Teehee! Guess it's not EXACTLY the same - but close. Ah, breakfast, how I love thee.
Sausage Recipe (alternate version - even faster and deliciouser... because it's faster. LOL)
3 oz 85/15 organic ground beef/bison
1 tsp hot pepper sauce (any kind you like - check ingredients!)
scant 1/4 tsp each salt and fresh pepper
scant 1/4 tsp cumin
dash coarse red pepper
dash onion powder
dash garlic powder
TINY dash of cinnamon, and even TINIER dash of cloves
Mix it all together with your hands and form into 2 patties. Fry about 3-5 mins on each side, until cooked through and nicely browned (or if you're like me - charred to a crisp! LOL)
Hint: the drippings make for EXCELLENT cauliflower hash.... just sayin'....
So I'll update more with pics/menus from the rest of today latah. Off to chillax and wait for my BF to arrive! <3

I couldn't help it. Besides, I had very little fat today and zero carbs after my grapefruit at like 2 in the afternoon, and Dr. S even says in Pounds and Inches that:
"...even small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine with meals, does no harm"But yeah, I needed this tonight. I've been really needing some wine or beer or sake or vodka (bwahaha jk jk) the last couple of weeks, but I swore off beer until my birthday and I didn't want to introduce wine too early on in P3. Hopefully I don't have a bad reaction from it tomorrow. Usually (at least, last time during maintenance phase), I would either stay steady or lose a little bit the next day after drinking anything, as long as I didn't eat anything with it. When I ate with my alcohol before, though, I never just ate a regular meal... it would end up being very fatty or very starchy because alcohol makes me crave fats and carbs. Weird but it's not a horrible craving and it's easy for me to have another half a glass of wine instead of indulging in my fatty/carby craving and then it goes away. WOW ok that whole paragraph was pretty much pointless. Lol. Can you tell I've already had a glass? Heehee.
So ummmm I don't really remember what I was going to write about other than that? OH! I was uploading the pics hahahaha. OH and I was going to tell you why I wanted the wine so bad! My boyfriend left this evening for Israel for 9 days. I've been praying for him soooo hard - he texted me when he was boarding the plane and asked me to say a prayer. I don't know if mom could tell while we were out, but I've been a nervous wreck since 9 when the plane took off. I won't be able to relax much until I hear from him after he lands - he's landing in London, then has a 10 hour layover before getting one more flight into Israel.
We shall see how the wine affects me tomorrow morning! :-) And hopefully I have a text message from my baby. I love him so much <3
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