For "breakfast" I had Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight (using my Capella drops!) and coffee, then off to school. Got my Economics test back and made 111%!!!!! I can't believe it... I was SO SURE I was going to fail it. I also had a Government test today, but he let us use our notes and books so I think I aced that one.
I didn't take a picture of lunch because I was shaking I was so hungry, so I just ate it. I had 5oz of shrimp on a bed of lettuce, with my Asian salad dressing... extra spicy! I also had a Ryvita and half a grapefruit. OH and for my tbsp of milk today, I flavored it with 1 drop of vanilla stevia and 1 drop of the banana flavor from Capella... I have never tasted anything that delicious in my life. LOL. I miss bananas soooo much! I never was able to have them again last round - they made me gain every time! :( Hopefully I can have them this time!! :D
For dinner, I had planned on having a tomato/chicken chili or soup, but I went by Sprouts and radishes were on sale for 50 cents a bunch! I got 2 bunches and decided I would do something with them for dinner to lighten the calories a little from my extra meat. I have now made one of the best things I've had this round as far as comfort food.... I made potato soup out of the radishes! I'm posting the recipe... it's just too good not to share.
So while I was at Sprouts... I started getting my Phase 3 foods! YIKES! So far I got 2 lbs of beef chorizo, some chicken breast, Applegate Farms' Organic (and grassfed!) Uncured Beef Hot Dogs, 2 jars of salsa (on sale for .99 a piece), some Organic Valley boxed milk (on sale for 1.99!), OH and Organic Girl lettuces were 1.99 a box, plus a 55 cent coupon makes them what like a buck-fifty a piece?! S.C.O.R.E. (Sprouts Can Own Randalls Everytime... LOL!). I think that's all I got... ummmm OH AND I GOT AN AVOCADOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D I cannot wait! OK back to Phase 2....
Recipe for Motato Soup (Mock+Potato)
12 radishes, sliced
100g chicken
onion powder
garlic powder
sea salt
Bring the radishes and chicken to a boil in just enough water to cover. Let boil about 10 mins, until radishes are really soft. Remove half of the chicken and cube it... set aside. Puree the radishes, water, half the chicken, and spices (to taste) with an immersion blender or in a food processor/blender. Return to pan, with the cubed chicken, and heat through.
Serve with breadstick! YUM!
If you make it and like it, be sure to let me know! :D
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