VLCD Day 13 (+0.2)
Left Friday around 5, picked up my dress, and got to Ft Worth about 10pm. I was planning on going to bed pretty much as soon as I got there, but mom wanted to talk and I did too, really, so we stayed up a little later... like 3 1/2 hours more... o.O So needless to say I woke up the next morning at 8 to a .2 gain. I also ate cottage cheese Friday, and both times I've eaten it I've seen a 0.2 gain... Going to set it aside until Phase 3 (which I'm beginning next week! Woohoo!). I have added in the 1 tbsp of skim milk the last 3 days... been nice! I just make a small glass of coffee with a drop of stevia and milk to go with my apple... such a treat! Can't wait to have half & half again in P3... and avocados. Mmmm. Anyway, Saturday... I ended up not having much time or supplies at my sister's house to cook a lot, so I think I made Cucumber Soba Noodle Soup for lunch, and then chicken and cabbage for dinner, with a melba and an apple at each meal, too. I was a little concerned about how much energy I was going to have for prom, but ended up making it all the way through the Cupid Shuffle and to the car until I passed out!
Here's a picture of my sisters prom dress (L) and my prom dress (R):
It was SOOOO much fun to get to dress like that! That's half the fun of prom, I think! Prom dinner was a Caesar Salad, some kind of lemon chicken something or other with risotto and veggies, and then strawberry cheesecake for dessert. I partook in none of the above, apart from eating with my nose... I won't say the same for my sis, though! Her gain the next morning wasn't bad, really, and she said it was worth it. Not sure if I would agree if it was me, but kudos to her! Hahaha!
VLCD Day 14 (+1.2)
For missing my ENTIRE "healing window" of sleep (10pm-2am) and getting to bed around 3:30, plus water weight from my leg muscles (painful calves omg!), I'd say that was a small gain! hahaha!! I decided to go to the store Sunday and get some stuff to actually cook, so I got some chard and made my sis the chard soup that I had for dinner on Friday. It was die good, again. ^^ Like I said, chard is my new favorite soup! For dinner we had an Asian steak salad with some grassfed Top Round that my sis defrosted for us. Y.U.M. Steak has never tasted so good!
We also watched Knight and Day, which I hadn't seen yet. I LOVED it!! And I realized that Tom Cruise is almost 50... nobody believed me except mom hahaha. There was a scene that showed a close up of his face and neck, and it hit me. I thought to myself "I know that look... he's gotta be about Bart's age!" so I blurted out "HOW OLD IS TOM CRUISE?!" all freaking out because you can't deny the man is tremendously gorgeous. I texted ChaCha and mom knew when I got the text back by the face I made. I yelled out "1962!!!!!!" (my boyfriend was born in '61... thus how I recognized the age by, as weird as it sounds, Tom Cruise's neck. LOL. That doesn't sound perverted at all, does it?)
Once Knight and Day was over, I drove back home to Austin and sipped on a Venti Iced Americano with my toffee stevia. Yum yum yum yum. OH that reminds me! Either Thursday or Friday I think I forgot to mention, I ordered some Capella Flavor Drops! I hope they get here today!!!! More for P3 than P2, really, but still. I got Fudge Brownie, Banana, Peanut Butter, & Coconut. Can't waaaaaait!
VLCD Day 15 (-2.0)

Lunch today was beef chili with a sliced granny smith apple dipped in cinnamon and toffee stevia. Yes, I'm very much addicted to that! I need to make some more CD with it, too. Thinking about trying some CD with carob, but probably won't since I still have a TON of cocoa powder to use first.

Well, that's all for now. Here's to tomorrow! Woohoo!
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