So today I made sure to count calories, since when I added up all the calories form the onion and everything yesterday I was VERY close to 500, and may well have been underestimating since I didn't get weight of the onion and such. I'm at about 466 calories today, estimated, plus 4 mac nuts and a couple of pieces of choco delight. If I don't lose tomorrow I'll cut out the nuts and oil for a day or two until I start losing again.
Lunch today was eaten in one fell swoop since I had homework, errands, and I was an hour later than normal to eat so I was getting slightly hungry even though I had taken my drops already. I had some cooked chicken in the fridge, so I made a couple of chicken lettuce wraps and squeezed some Bragg's over the chicken. It was surprisingly good and very filling! Handful of strawberries & chocolate stevia on half of a melba toast topped the meal off perfectly. Didn't take a pic of it because I literally ate it in about 10 minutes (usually takes me half an hour to eat so that's fast for me!)
After stuDYING for several hours after lunch, I decided to take a study break and pre-make dinner since I knew I would be training at Krav tonight. I decided to do something simple again, after my weekend of elaborate cooking, and boiled some shrimp in spicy and uber seasoned water, then seasoned with cayenne and lemon juice. And then my favorite standby for a veggie: sliced tomatoes with oregano, salt and pepper, and garlic. I packed them neatly into my bento so I could just open it and eat when I got home tonight, which I did indeed! Oh, plus I had the last half of a melba from lunch. Dessert was a sliced Braeburn apple with cinnamon and dipped lightly in English Toffee stevia. It's like eating... idk! Some kind of apple candy? Maybe that's what candied apples taste like - if there is such a thing? I never ate caramel apples or anything like that so I'm not sure. Haha.

And now, on to tomorrow... here's hoping the scale moves [downwards]!!
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