Thursday, April 14, 2011

VLCD Day 18 (-0.6)

BOOYA! I hit exactly 10 lbs lost today, not including loading weight. Amazing!!! And I still have tomorrow and Saturday to go! Well technically Sunday, too, because my LDW will be whatever it is Sunday morning. OMGGGGGGG! I'm so excited and I don't even know why! Hahaha. Right.

So today for lunch I had Asian Chicken salad, Ryvita, and a Braeburn apple with, yep, you guessed it... ET Stevia. (EXTRA TERRESTRIAL STEVIA? WHAAAA?)

I want to say it was Die Good, but if I keep using that term then it won't have that special meaning that Die Good is supposed to have, so I'll just say it was delicious! And it was. And very filling! I weighed my lettuce and didn't even get to 3oz and it filled that flippin bowl UP!

For dinner, shrimp & chard with Braggs, sambal oelek, and some chili powder. YUM! It was really good. Not really that spicy, but just enough! Plus I had my ryvita, and half of a big grapefruit.




I have already opened and tasted all of them! Hahahahaha. They are fabulous. I love that they're not sweet, because I can add the chocolate and coconut to my coffee and it doesn't sweeten it - it's like if I bought a flavored coffee and made it, and drank it black. The peanut butter is FABULOUS put into Chocolate Delight. Too bad I had already had my 2 tbsp for today... I would really have knocked that whole tray out otherwise hahaha.

On a random note - all morning while I was working, I was walking around saying "Rah rah rah rah! I want mah 20 bucks, Leo!" (if you haven't seen it, watch Charlie teh Unicron on youtube. Not Charlie the Unicorn... Charlie teh Unicron. Hahahaha!) I wonder how many people knew what I was quoting... bwahahahaha.

Well, again, not much to write about since I'm just waiting for next Wednesday..... BREAKFAST!!!!! YAY! Unfortunately I have to be at work at 5:30 in the morning on Wednesday, but I'm planning a yummy breakfast anyway. 3 whole eggs scrambled in a little bit of organic butter and salsa, with a few slices of avocado, all wrapped in a big ol chard leaf so I can eat it on the way to work. Yums! Can't wait. Hehe. I might change my mind... I changed my mind at the last minute last round, too, but that's the plan.

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